Monday, March 5, 2012

Girls Who Post Motivational Pictures Of Other Hot Women

Yes it is, yes it is, it's that time of year again everyone. It's March and everyone is starting to get the sense that spring is just around the corner. What does that mean? It means that it's time for everyone to get in shape. The New Year's Resolution people left the gym about a week after they started, but now it's the summer get in shape people's turn. And ladies, you are the number one culprits. 

What am I talking about? Girls, how many of you post pictures on your facebook of other hot women as motivation for what you "hope to look like" one day? You all do this shit and then follow it up with a quote like, "Give me three months and I'll look like this, kickboxing with my loves" followed by some stupid smiley face or heart thing. Don't try and deny it, we all know you fucking do it. 

What is the fucking point? You don't have a personal trainer, and you're gonna end up going to the diner at three in the morning after you get drunk and eat all this fried shit that's gonna set you back about two weeks anyway. Who are you trying to fool? You're not fooling any guy with a brain in his head. You go to the gym and sit on one machine and talk to on your cell phone the whole time. When you walk out of the gym without a drop of sweat on you, it's safe to say you were not very productive. And you are never productive in any way, shape or form. 

So what is that motivational picture doing for you? I have no idea, because I just see you out getting shitfaced with your girlfriends and then eating shitty food to go along with your pointless "workout". Here we go girls, it's time to stop kidding yourself. if you want to get in shape, get in shape. But don't try and kid yourself with what you hope to look like. Chances are, you're not gonna end up looking like that no matter what you actually do. BOOM, roasted. 

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