Wednesday, February 15, 2012

How Long Can Women Last Without Sex?


Women can last about as long as men without sex.  But sex with you, the guy? Now that's a whole different story.  Let me explain something about women: no matter what we say, no matter what we do, we like fucking just as much as the next dude. Some people will deny this, but I can guarantee you that if guys could secretly listen in to a conversation between a group of girls they would be amazed to hear us talking about how we need to get laid, how big that guy's dick is, and how we just want to see more movies with a shirtless Taylor Lautner.

The problem is, we don't always want to have sex with YOU.  I can get into all kinds of political bullshit, but the truth is women still get the short end of the stick with a lot of shit in this world.  Except for one thing: we have the power when it comes to sex.  That's why girls get pissed at other slutty girls.  Sex is the one thing that has the power to bring these guys to their knees, so chicks can't just go dropping down on theirs all over the place.  We have to keep you on your toes a little.  Does it suck for you? Yes. But get over it, if you don't fuck shit up royally we're usually pretty generous with it.  In the event that you do mess something up, we luckily have other means of having a good time.  You guys can always use your hand, but it's not as good as the real thing.  That's why we know you'll always cave in before us.  For women,'s nice to have a warm body but no girl is ever going to look at a vibrator and think "you're fun, but just not as good as the real thing."  Sorry guys, sometimes its just better if we do it ourselves.  And that's why we don't always care if you're mad at us for withholding sex.  Like that movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding says.  "The man may be the head of the house, but the woman is the neck. And she can turn the head any way she wants."  

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