Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Just Because You Can't Sleep Doesn't Mean You Have Insomnia...

You know what type of facebook statuses really grinds my gears? The facebook statuses that pop up when people can't sleep and they say they have insomnia. Let me just tell you one thing, you're all morons. Insomnia's a disease that lasts for more than one night. It's not like having a fucking cold where you have it one day and the next day it's gone.

I'm pretty sure that I have nights that I can't sleep, but it's not insomnia. You know what it's called? It's just simply called not being able to fall asleep on a given night. Maybe something's on your mind, maybe you're anticipating something the next day, maybe you're just not tired. It could be any of those things, but you know what it's not? It's not insomnia. 

I did some research, insomnia can last for three weeks or longer. That means that your one night of not being able to sleep is not a fucking sickness. Therefore, stop being a moron and throwing your little facebook pity party with statuses like, "Insomnia is a terrible thing." Shut up, you deserve to be hit in the face with a lead pipe. Do us all a favor and go play in traffic. You are a certified moron. 


  1. You know what else i cant stand ? These motherfuckers posting "can't sleep " statuses at 2 am. Get the fuck out of here with that shit. How is posting a status going to help? We all know that's your subliminal "looking for a booty call " status. Too bad the only girls that might respond to that wear fishnet stockings, hoop earrings, mini skirts, leopard bras and leather boots!!


  2. Haha I'm glad someone else gets how annoying these people are
