Monday, October 17, 2011

Your Personality...

Most people are probably going to think that I am out of my mind after reading this post, but if you don't think I'm out of my mind by now then you're most likely mistaken. Have you ever met someone and you think to yourself, "Damn, they have a hot personality,"? I never thought that this could be true, but it actually turns out that it is very true. I know it sounds weird but you can definitely want to have sex with someone's personality. 

Now the person may not be great looking, but their personality is tremendous. This doesn't mean that you're gonna go have sex with the person, but when I see this all I'm thinking is that if this girl's personality had a vagina I would definitely try and have sex with it. Yes, that sounds incredibly sick in the head, but it's completely true. I guess you can sign me up for therapy now. 

Moving on, it's all about the way they say things. I can't even explain it in words you just have to recognize it when you see it. Maybe it's even a smile or a smirk after they say certain things that makes them sound sexy, or maybe it's some form of flirty sarcasm that even though they might not be hot, it still sounds hot. Yeah, I'm pretty much making you wonder about this shit right now, I know. 

So in case you're wondering, the answer is yes, you can want to have sex with someone's personality. Now clearly a personality is just an imaginary thing, but if you really want to give it a whirl with a person that has a great personality but not necessarily great looks, just shut the lights off and hope for the best. If you can't see the person you can just pretend they're someone else. Just don't be disappointed once the lights go on. 

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