Monday, October 17, 2011

It Smells Like Sex...

I'm sure everyone has heard the term at some point in their life known as, "It Smells Like Sex". When something smells really good I have heard people use this term way too many times, and it's so fucking out of context it's ridiculous. Clearly, if someone uses this terminology then they have either never had sex before, or they're sense of smell has completely gone awry. 

Do you know what sex actually smells like? If you do then you know that sex doesn't smell very good. Obviously, it feels good and it's fun if you're doing it with someone who actually knows what they're doing, but the smell isn't at all appetizing. I realized that if you just put the sense of smell in different terms, people wouldn't say that things "smell like sex". 

What do I mean by different terms? If I told you that something smelt like wet vagina and sweaty balls, what would your first thought be? Exactly, that aroma doesn't really make your genitals tingle now does it? When you're in the heat of the moment, you're not really thinking about scents, you're just thinking about trying not to cum too quick or how much the guy who's banging you sucks at the moment. But if you take a whiff, you'll probably realize that the smell of sex isn't one that should be noted when something smells good. 

I don't think that sounds too unreasonable. Next time you think about using the term that something smells like sex, just think about what sex really smells like. Then you should think about something else to relate that great smell too, and leave the smell of sex out of the equation. 

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