Tuesday, October 25, 2011

She Looks Like A Yeller...

Does anyone else have the ability to guess with like 90% accuracy how a certain girls are in bed? I don't really mean if she's good or not, I'm talking about something that is often overlooked. I am talking about if you can tell if she's a yeller or not. Usually yellers are self explanatory, but you need to get to know them a little bit before you decide whether they're a yeller, or whether they're tame. Well, not really tame, if they're tame they're duller than a piece of cardboard. 

So, how can you tell? It's all about the personality. First of all, most yellers are good looking and cool. There's a difference. Good looking and not cool means the girl is a complete bitch. Good looking and cool spells out freak. Why? Because in order to be a freak, you have to have an awesome personality. They like to drink, they like to dance, they're down for whatever. That's a freak. Not good looking and cool is just your run of the mill girl. Barring beer goggle laser surgery, you're probably not trying to figure out whether an ugly chick is a freak. 

What do freaks do? Most freaks are yellers. Who doesn't love a yeller? You can identify freak right away, you can't identify yeller right away. Once you know the personality a little bit more, then you can determine yeller. After a while, she's gonna either seem like just a freak, or a freak and a yeller. Yellers are cool as long as they're not like crazy yellers. Like yelling at a dude to punch you in the face is a little too intense for me. But keep an eye out fella's, when you're bored and talking to a girl you can probably figure shit like this out. But if you have a blog you can't write about it, I copyrighted this shit. 

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