Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The Gag Reflex

Yes, it is true, the diamond in the rough. The diamond in the rough is the woman who has no gag reflex. This talent is something that is never overlooked and it is also something that every man hopes his next girlfriend doesn't have. What I speak about is the gag reflex, and in some cases it is only a legend, or a tall tale. But in other cases, it could be reality. 

Realistically, 99.9% of women have a gag reflex. It's not your fault girls, it's just something that you're born with. You can't swallow pills, you have trouble keeping down certain things and well, you know where I'm going with this, you have a problem swallowing the finished product after a blowie. Do you know how frustrating that is for a guy?

We're not asking you for much here, we're just asking you to keep down the man juice so it doesn't get all over the place. Do you really want to sleep in your bed after you have just spit semen all over your sheets? Or do you want to sleep in our bed after you couldn't keep it down? FYI, if it's my bed, you're getting the wet spot. 

So are girls with no gag reflex a myth? Or is this in fact true? I hope for everyone's sake that there are some of you out there with no gag reflex. But for those of you who have it, keep practicing. Remember, practice doesn't make perfect; perfect practice makes perfect. 

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