Thursday, September 22, 2011

Undateable Things Guys Do...The Rebuttal

Jorts aren't as terrible as people think, but stick with cargo shorts.

A girl I used to go to school with posted a link on facebook last night from VH1 that was called Undateable Things That Guys Do. I obviously saw this and had to write something about it. I think she reads my dumb site, but I'm not sure, but if you do read you know who you are and thank you for the link. First of all, there are 100 things on this list. And out of these 100 things I can tell you that every guy on the face of this earth has or does at least 3 of these things. If you're a woman who actually goes by this list then you're gonna be lonely for a very long time. And why do woman always make lists of 100 things? Like that Cosmo article 100 Ways To Please Your Man. There are no 100 ways to please a guy, that list is maybe 4 things long. Now let me just get to a couple of numbers that stood out at me on the undateable list. 

 95. Arm Wrestling in Public
What guys actually arm wrestle let alone arm wrestle in public? How badly did the bitch who made this list have to nitpick to find this one? If a guy is arm wrestling in public, he's a dick and deserves to be tazed. 

90. Cell Phone on the Waste 
It's 2011, no one does this anymore.

80. Aggressive Sports Fans
Some part of every guy on the planet is an aggressive sports fan. This means most guys will not be going shopping with you on Sunday when his football team is playing. Deal with it. 

75. Boners  
Do you not want your man to get a boner? In order for you to get some, he needs to get a boner, so I don't know where you're going with this. 

42. Chain Wallet 
Again, it's 2011 and chain wallets don't exist anymore. The money clip is the new big thing, this number is about twenty years out of date. 

26. Speedos 
This isn't Europe, no one wears speedos around here. Are you kidding me with this?

20. Guy Lights/Dying Your Hair 
Again, this isn't NSYNC in the 90's who the fuck does this anymore?

18. Tighty Whities
Anyone over the age of 8 I'm pretty sure doesn't wear tighty whities. End of story.

13. Fur Coats 

2. Talking about your ex
I'm pretty sure this is what women do more than anything else.

1. The C-word
Sometimes if a women does something C-word worthy, she deserves to be called the C-word. That's just the way it is. Sorry bitch. 


  1. After reading this list I'm pretty sure I'm the most undateable person on the planet

  2. #19 Bringing a glove to a game....I'm pretty sure that's Un-American
