Monday, September 26, 2011

Ex Girlfriends Doing Whore Things...

From what I observe throughout my studies of women, I observe that ex girlfriends say and do such whorish things all the time. In case you women don't know, I'm writing a paper on you. Not even for class, just an independent research. So what whorish things do ex girlfriends do? This goes way past dancing on the bar and trying to make your ex jealous, I've already talked about that a while ago. 

What am I talking about? Let's say that a guy and a girl have been broken up for a long period of time. They finally see each other out and they figure why not take a shot to reminisce? The guy, being the nice guy that he is gives his ex money for the shots. When the bartender says that they're five dollars short, she turns around and says that she needs more money. You're not dating anymore hun, I think you can spare five dollars. You're the one who ordered the most expensive alcohol they have, you can spare the five extra dollars. 

Then this girl tries to really reminisce hardcore by saying that if they would have met now instead of in the past, things would have been different. You're just saying this because you know he has a girlfriend now. Don't try and put your hex on him making him think that you're gonna put out tonight and cause him to make a mistake by cheating on his new girl. This is whorish thing number two on the list. 

Whorish thing number three comes at the end of the night when she texts her ex asking him where he is. Seriously, now this is ridiculous. We know all your friends have their boyfriends present or at least found a guy to go home with. Stop bating your ex to cheat on his new girl with you. It's ridiculous. These are the whorish things that ex girlfriends do that piss men off. We laugh at the dancing on the bar, and the trying to make us jealous, but we get legitimately pissed at stuff like this. Move on with your life and stop doing whorish things. 

Sidenote: That really sucks for whoever Scott Kelly is in that poster up top there. That is the most evil thing an ex could do, yet I find it absolutely hilarious. 

1 comment:

  1. If all of these girlfriend posts are based on your experiences,I think you've ran into too many relationship problems in your life. Maybe you're just picking the wrong types of girls. The girls I've been exposed to don't usually act like this. o_o
