Sunday, March 4, 2012

Sit On My Face Sunday's: Actress It Out


Today's edition of Sit On My Face Sunday's is the Forgetting Sarah Marshall edition. We have Kristen Bell taking on Mila Kunis. Now, for me this is an obvious no brainer, but for others it is not so easy to decide. Now, as we have every week, we have two girls who anyone would let smother their face. But if push comes to shove and I have to choose one, I have to go with Mila Kunis. She's more seasoned, and she always plays a role that makes you want to have sex with her even more than when you're just looking at her. No disrespect to Kristen Bell, but if I'm getting butt cheeks smothering my nostrils, I'm going Mila all day every day. And then I could die a happy man after she was done suffocating me. 


  1. Mila all day, but this matchup takes nothing from Kristen Bell.

  2. If either of these women were willing to sit on my face, I would rub super glue all over my face to prolong such an amazing feat.

    - the best bar manager alive lol
