Monday, July 11, 2011

Well This Is The Largest Baby I've Ever Seen...

What goes on in Texas?

Well this kid is an absolute monster. Sign him up for football right now. A 16 pound baby, this kid is huge. Yes, I said 16 pounds, not ounces. This kid was the size of like a medium sized dog. Good thing this woman had a C section because I would feel terrible for her if this mamma jamma came out of her vagina. She wouldn't have been able to walk for three months. Not going to lie, at first I thought the baby was sitting on the left in the interview. I was actually disappointed to find out that it was actually the mother. Regardless, these parents just screamed personality during this interview. You would think they'd be just a little happier after having a kid. But I guess that would be too much to ask. By the way, Fredo, thanks for letting me know about this, I love ya bud.

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