Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Walmart Shopper Wednesday's

This makes me smile...

Well if you can't make it inside there's nothing like just poppin' a squat in the parking lot to take a piss. I am going to assume as well as hope that this is a woman taking a piss, but I can't make any promises. What else can possibly be going on in this picture? This person could just be mooning someone. That would be a somewhat normal thing to do in a Walmart parking lot I guess. Maybe this person just ate mexican food and couldn't make it all the way to a bathroom. That also seems plausible, although sadly for us, he or she has no idea that they can be seen because an open car door only covers one side. Or finally, maybe this person is trying to give someone pink eye. You never know, pay back's a bitch and this person could possibly be trying to just simply send a message back. Whatever they're doing, it looks extremely painful. But regardless, they are my new favorite Walmart shopper until further notice. Just look at that picture, it is bound to brighten up any bad day within seconds.

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