Friday, July 29, 2011

Asshole Of The Day Award

This just sounds funny to me...

At what point did it sound like a good idea to write a song about killing your baby mama, and then actually kill her? Not very smart. Like you're not OJ bro, nobody knows who you are. You're not a childhood hero because you owned people as a running back in the NFL, you're just some schmuck who thinks he can sing. There's no way you're getting away with this one, sorry. Oh, and about the lyrics to that song. From what I saw they were absolutely atrocious. They made no sense, and you didn't even rhyme. Just take your t-shirt and go. I would say find a new day job but from the looks of things your new day job is probably going to be being someone's bitch in a jail cell. I sure hope your ass is ready for that one.

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