Thursday, July 7, 2011

This Week's Bar Review

This weekend we not only all attended the same bar, but we crossed a number off the bucket list. Number 6 on the bucket list, go out in the city wearing suits, has been crossed off. Yes, we have video footage that will be posted later on today around 5PM. As for our bar review, Myself (Hammer) and Vince of Reason will be reviewing a place known as Copia. It is in Manhattan right around the block from Turtle Bay and one of my personal favorites, Irish Exit. Without further a do here is this weeks review...(I did not intend for that to rhyme)

Steve the Hammer:

It's a bar set up with a club atmosphere, it's not too bad. I personally would have liked there to be better talent in the place, but you take what you can get even if you feel like you're at a bar in Saudi Arabia. The drink prices aren't too bad, typical Manhattan prices, six for a beer, eight for a mixed drink. Just show up hammered and you won't really have much to worry about. Oh and this guy bartender in there, biggest jerkoff on the face of planet earth. I bought three beers, it came out to $18 and I gave him a twenty. He didn't give me my change back, he just threw the change in his tip cup. Alright guy, you're not entitled to that tip, that's one. Two, that's my change and it's my decision wether I want to give it to you or not. Don't take it upon yourself and assume I'm letting you keep my change. Next time, things won't go over so smoothly big guy. Anway, I give the place a rating of 6.5 out of 10. A little too crowded with not enough talent for the scouts. I would go back, but it would be like a once every six month kind of thing.

Vince Of Reason:

Copia definitely has a lot of potential for a great time. It's an upscale type of bar, very trendy and not some typical watering hole. Drink prices are average for Manhattan, no cover charge which is a big plus. If you're not happy you can always leave the place and not feel like it was a total waste. Very good music, kudos to the DJ, although the dance floor was a little crowded, and kind of hard to scope the place out. Also, a lot of A-Rab Money floating around the joint. not really to sure if it's like that every Saturday, could of been just a party, but overall not happy with the amount of ugly ducklings. I would go back, but probably wait until the fall. Overall I give Copia a 7 out of 10. It's a really nice place, and with the right type of people it could be an awesome night. Just was a little to overcrowded and not enough good looking females.

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