Thursday, July 7, 2011

How 'LOL' Has Ruined Conversations

First and foremost, 'LOL' is not a word. Do not treat it as so and do not confuse it for something it is not. 'LOL' is also not a punctuation. I'll explain later. Obviously, 'LOL' was born with the introduction of instant messages, which is just about the same time everyone became even lazier. How long does it take to write "haha that's funny", took me about two seconds. Through my travels and first hand experiences 95% of the time when 'LOL' is written your are not actually laughing out loud. Then 'LOL' evolved into 'LMAO', 'LMFAO', and the ugly step-cousin nobody likes 'ROFL'. I will get into those a little later.

Back to 'LOL'. I have been known for telling people to stop texting me because they think 'LOL' by itself, is a sufficient response. In no way, shape or form is a solo 'LOL' a good answer. 'LOL' by itself, along with every other one word answer, is a conversation atomic bomb. Convo over!. It is probably the most irritating thing one can do. The worst is getting a girls number and texting her and she is bombarding you with 'LOLs' ,'OHs', 'YEAs' and so on. That's not a conversation, that's a monologue. Me talking and you pretending like you care but not too much so I shut up. I went out of my way to get your number, give me the common courtesy of humoring me for a little bit. Let's get real, this is all the fault of the person who started 'LOL'. Without it, one word texts responses would not be as prevalent. Think about it, how the hell does someone respond to 'LOL' by itself? You have to start a completely new topic, it kills the entire flow of a conversation.

As for the other forms of 'LOL'. Laughing my ass off, laughing my fucking ass off, and rolling on the floor laughing? I myself have never used these ridiculous things. They have established some sort of hierarchy of funny texts/IMs

LOL - 1= kind of funny
LOLOL - 2 = funny
LMAO - 3 = very funny
LMFAO - 4 = hysterical

ROFL will never be discussed ever again because it is so absurd. If you are rolling on the floor laughing you have bigger problems. I mean have you ever seen someone on the floor rolling like they are in the third stage of stop drop and roll and laughing. Also, I find it hard that one can text while on the floor rolling.

As for 'LOL' as a punctuation. We have all received this type of text, "Just left the mall lol on my way home". 'LOL' acts like a comma. What is that?! There is nothing funny about being at the mall, a sad face works better in that situation. Use a comma or use "..." to transition. 'LOL' is also used as a period. Enough with that.

My advice, limit the 'LOL' shit. I know its a habit, for me too. If something is funny, then fine. If you are using it as a punctuation, that's annoying. If you use it as a response by itself and wonder why people just stop texting you, the reason is pretty apparent. Lol

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