Thursday, July 7, 2011

Facebook: What it was Intended For vs. Actual Use

Facebook is a great invention. Props to those dweebs who invented it. No, I never watched the movie "Social Network" because nerdy kids becoming rich and in return getting laid for it will always be a sore spot for me. Facebook is great, we have used it to promote this lovely blog that I know all of you love. Whether it is bathroom reading, train reading, or you're reading it at the beach and getting really really mad with me for making fun of you we are happy you read our stuff. Facebook has been very good since it started. It has given me the ability to stay in touch with my family in Florida. Even though I have personally met my two cousins children less than a hand full of times, I feel as if I am apart of their life through the pictures my cousins post. My mom has reconnected with friends she went to high school with and grew up with way back when. Back when people marveled at the typewriter, circa 1898 I believe. However, people use Facebook for other means. Now the fun begins.

Most of the nonsense takes place through two features of Facebook, the status and the check-in. The check-in is crap, retarded and just stupidity. There are several people who battle for the title of this weeks Defriendee week in and week out with an abundance of check-ins. Let me be as clear as humanly possible, nobody and I mean nobody gives a shit where you are. I can't be too harsh on the check-in because its a Facebook feature but a lot of people take it way too far.

The status, my number one tool of abuse. I have calmed down in the last few weeks because I found myself getting too jagged up and constantly checking my notifications in the hope someone would call me out in a comment and I could just go off on them. The status is good to just write something, maybe something witty, thanking somebody or a group of people, celebrate something, whatever. Please stop using it as a way to say I love you, give us your philosophies on love and life. Honey, you're a hair dresser your boyfriend who constantly cheats on you and you constantly get back with is 28 years old. He is a non-union painter making forty grand a year, there is no way in hell your status on life and love is going to help me. Also, stop complaining through your status. It makes me and a lot of other people very sick to our stomachs. There are many statuses that should immediately get you banned from Facebook for months at a time but if I laid them all out, my carpal tunnel syndrome would cause me to want to cut my hands off.

Remember these words, Nobody Cares. That is all.

Just a few examples:
"Love is when you find someone that you can really be yourself with and share anything."

everything happens for a reason ♥"

Do as you please, not by others approval ♥"

"I'm doing me, yea I'm doing me"

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