Thursday, July 7, 2011

Your Ex Looks Hotter After The Break Up, But Don't Be Fooled...

We all have seen it happen before. After you break up with your girlfriend and you finally see her for the first time since the break up. You always say to yourself, "Holy shit, did she get hotter?" Then all these thoughts start running through your head and you begin to get really confused. It happens to all of us, but I know why it only appears that way, and it is not actually true.

Obviously, your ex girlfriend has always looked hot in your eyes. If she didn't, you wouldn't have dated her; let's be serious. I don't want to hear about all this personality nonsense. Looks get you in the door, and personality keeps you in. Fact, end of story, let's move on.

Now you see the girl who you used to date and suddenly she looks way better than she ever looked while you were with her. This is false. She probably always looked good to you, but while you were with her you never actually thought anything of it. You just thought to yourself, "She's my girlfriend, she annoys the shit out of me, but at least the sex is somewhat okay." At some point, you don't even think twice about her looks when you have been going out for so long.

Also, once a girl starts to get comfortable with a guy, she has no reason to get all dolled up anymore. What you were looking at the whole time was the girl with a boyfriend. Once you break up, you're looking at the girl you used to date and she is going to try and make you sick because you broke up with her. Plus while you're together she might throw on a couple of "happy pounds" and those are all gone now that she's single again.

Basically, this whole thing is an optical illusion. She has always looked good, but while you were together, you didn't notice it. You were the typical asshole boyfriend. We all are, don't beat yourself up over it. So really, she's just doing this to either make you regret breaking up with her, or to get you back. Or she looks this way to go out and sleep with some random foreign guy, I don't know, I'm not a psychologist. But what I do know is that she doesn't really look as good as you may think, and that is a fact. Next time don't be fooled, just slow down and think logically and everything will turn out just fine.

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