Thursday, July 7, 2011

Asshole Of The Day Award

Sheer genius...

So first of all, who takes $36,000 in cash out of somewhere like let's say, the bank? Second of all, who forgets that they have $36,000 in cash and leaves it in a shopping cart at WalMart? Who even takes that much money to a WalMart, you could probably buy the entire store with $36,000. Unbelievable. We have seen some of the people who shop at WalMart, do you really think the guy who took your money has any intention of giving it back? I'm pretty sure that guy is on his way to an all inclusive vacation to somewhere tropical. Well that's if he's smart, but as we can clearly see, geniuses don't shop at WalMart. But look at it this way, if you hadn't just let the $36,000 slip your mind, you wouldn't be getting a free t-shirt from me. Maybe that'll cheer you up.

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