Tuesday, July 12, 2011

So She Doesn't Go Down On You...

I have a buddy that has a problem. His girlfriend won't go down on him. I'm not going to mention any names because that would just be uncool, but he doesn't know how to fix this problem. This is a key part to any relationship because he goes down on her. It's only right that she returns the favor. That's just the way it is, it's been done that way for many years. How do you get your girlfriend to go down? Let's figure it out...

Well first of all, you need to be polite. Asking politely is the first key to making this happen for you. Be polite and then promise her a favor in return. Even tell her just to "try it out," because how does she know she doesn't like it, if she's never actually tried it? Don't be pushy, ease her into the situation. Remember, she will be going into a new territory for the first time, you have to keep her as calm as possible. Oh, and don't expect it to be any good because it probably won't be.

Also, depending on how long you have been dating, depends on you asking the question. If you've only been dating for a couple of months, don't ask, maybe she'll ease her way into it eventually. If you've been going out for over a year, then yes, you need to ask. You don't want to be like Pete and Zoe from I Love You Man. That's no fun for anyone.

Finally, if all else fails tell her how much you love her and see if she'll cave. Chances are she will cave in a situation like this because most girls actually like that lovey dovey crap. Don't be too lovey dovey though because then she'll know you're just trying to catch a blowie. Sound sincere and she will probably muster up the courage to journey below your waist. It's all up to you now man, god speed.

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