Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Asshole Of The Day Award (Video)

The Asshole Of The Day Video's could possibly be my new favorite thing...


This poor news correspondent. Just trying to do his job and he calls Mr. Hunt the C word. Listen man, you need to rehearse beforehand how to say his name, you can't just be calling people C U Next Tuesday's on live television. If this was America, activists everywhere would be calling up complaining and you would be fired already. But it's not America so you get a second chance. Did you even realize what you said? Maybe. Maybe you intentionally called him it. I have no idea. But either way, you get a nice looking t-shirt that sells for a little over $14 dollars, for free. When the shirt arrives, please wear it on your next news broadcast, I would love nothing more than to see that. 

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