Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Italian Night...

There is a place at the Jersey Shore known as Djais, it's a bar that pretty much every person in the town of Belmar, New Jersey attends every Thursday and Sunday night. I mean yeah, it's a good time when it's not overly packed, but people take it way too seriously. It's like a lifestyle for some of these people. I don't understand it, but hey, to each his own right? Anyway, Djais apparently has a theme every Thursday night, and this upcoming week is Italian Night.

Italian Night? Really? When I heard this I tried to figure out if the owner has eyesight and has looked around his bar any time in the last like twenty years. Yes I am calling out the creepy ass old guy who owns the place, takes the microphone on stage every fucking night, and only yells out the words "shake that butt" repeatedly for like two hours. That guy must be fucking blind.

"Wait a minute, what are you talking about Steve? I go there three times a week and I'm on a first name basis with the guy, he's not blind." You're a moron because I'm being sarcastic, that's one. Two, the reason I say that is because if you've ever looked around the fucking place, every night is fucking Italian Night! 99.8% of the crowd that goes there all the time is Italian. What is the need for Italian Night? There is none. It's the equivalent of having Jewish Heritage Night at a synagogue. It's the dumbest thing I've ever heard.

Therefore, this is why I say the owner must be retarded and/or have no eyesight. It's nothing personal against the people who go there, but if the people who go there actually thought about it, they would realize how dumb of an idea this is as well. Besides, you don't even need theme nights. You make so much money by ripping people off at the door that you shouldn't have to worry about shit. Go to one of your four houses and stop hanging out with people thirty years younger than you. It might be about that time to grow up. What it really should say on the sign is, "Italian Night: Happening Every Night Since 1959".

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