Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Bound & Flow

Some of you might have caught on that I am trying to make examples of how unoriginal people are. To me, nothing is worse than being called "typical". It's almost like not having your own identity. You are grouped and judged based off typical actions of that group. I have a punch line for this but Al Sharpton, the NAACP, and a lot of other people would probably serve me subpoenas if I typed it. For the omitted line, please see me in person.

Everyone and I mean everyone has written the words "bound" and "flow" in their status. If you say it in person, I will likely punch you in the face. Really, why do you need to put that after everything in your status? Oh I know!!! Because everyone else does and you think its cool. A little independent thought please. AC Bound, Shore Bound, Brooklyn Bound, Homeward Bound, Gym Flow, Work Flow, Aunt Flow.

To start, nobody really cares that you are going to the shore or Brooklyn. Chances are you are stuck in traffic and I most certainly am not jealous of you. Getting on that gym flow, might be my all time favorite, after the gym check-in. I will reiterate this, stop being insecure! You're at the gym for yourself, because you want to be there. You don't need the entire Facebook community knowing you are there. That's like when you were a little kid and made some crappy finger painting and you needed to show everyone to get praised. You are now in your twenties or almost twenty and still need the approval of everyone.

"Getting on my gym flow, then mall bound, then AC bound for the weekend with my best"
Translation: I am insecure and want everyone to be jealous of me for no real good reason.

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