Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Epitome of How Messed Up the World Is

This post is going to be a lot different from any of my other posts. It is inspired by my Aunt, who is a very religious and amazing women. Truly someone I admire.

My Aunt lives in Florida, and anyone who is familiar with living in Florida knows that all type of animals wonder onto your property. Snakes, alligators, cougars (the animal, not 40+ ho-bags), armadillos, you name it. If an animal of any sort wanders onto your property you are not allowed to kill it. Now I have never encountered an alligator before but I have a Nat Geo Wild obsession and I have watched the beasts in action. They are pretty much starving all the time and will eat anything (I am talking about alligators and not myself here).  So if an alligator, which is an obvious threat to your life, your families life, your pets life and even your property. Why can't you kill it? Just doesn't seem that fair.

Now before Mr. and Mrs. Animal Lover and activist have something to say, I forewarn you. Read the next few sentences carefully. You can't kill an animal but you are allowed to kill an unborn child during the third trimester of pregnancy. Yea, I'm hearing crickets. The animal has a chance to run away, even defend itself and you can't kill it. While this poor unborn child is basically trapped, unaware and helpless and you can take its life. Are you kidding me or what here? That's how messed up the world is. It's up there with someone breaking into your house and you shooting and killing that person with a firearm you have a license for and you go to jail.

I love animals, don't misinterpret that. But if an animal is a threat to you you should be able to kill it. I am also, not a highly religious person. However, I do believe in God and all that but that fact that you can kill a fetus blows my mind. I don't care if the fetus is 9 months old, 30 seconds old whatever, that's a human life and you killing it is murder.

To my Aunt, this one if for you.

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