Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Asshole(s) Of The Day Award

America is becoming softer than baby shit...

I am giving this award to the police department and school officials in Rush County (Indiana) for being the biggest bunch of pricks I have probably ever heard of. This kid had an awesome senior prank, which was putting a blow up sex doll in one of the schools bathroom stalls, and they're charging him with a felony, a misdemeanor and felony criminal mischief. They called in the bomb squad when they saw him enter the building with a package, only to have the K-9 unit find the sex doll in the bathroom stall. Is everyone fucking kidding me? This kid is getting charged as a felon for putting a sex doll in his school bathroom? Casey Anthony can literally get away with murdering her two year old and this kid could go to jail for 8 years because of his senior prank that didn't even involve touching another person. This is what America has come to, a bullshit legal system and people who are uptight over the dumbest shit. I'll be shipping you morons of Rush County a whole box of these t-shirts. Think about all the other problems going on, and maybe you'll realize how dumb you look. And you'll look even dumber wearing my shirt.

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