Wednesday, July 6, 2011

WalMart Shopper Wednesday's

A new theme for Wednesday's has arrived and I think we have a keeper. I have made an executive decision to make every Wednesday WalMart Shopper Wednesday's. Sometimes I will do match ups and other times I will just make fun of these people straight up, either way, this shit is great.

This Week: Match Up

This week we have this hottie on the left vs Sasquatch on the right. I'm not sure if that's an arm or a Christmas ham on the left side, I mean I don't think I have ever see arm rolls before this lady came on the scene. I'm also pretty sure no one would notice if they just threw the guy on the right in the gorilla cage at the zoo. Take the sweater off bro, it's July and you're giving Chewbacca a run for his money. Now the question is who wins this battle of the beasts? I think I'm going with Sasquatch. I can only see the arm of the creature on the left and I get the full view of the great lawn on this guys back. Sasquatch wins in a close one. 

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