Monday, July 11, 2011

Do Ugly People Know They're Ugly?

Don't you love going out and seeing ugly people? I find it extremely fun and interesting when I'm out and there is just a large group of uglies hanging around. They seem happy, but they're like the mutants at table nine from the Wedding Singer. Sure they're laughing and cool with each other, but they're pretty much outcasts with the rest of the place. Maybe they're oblivious, maybe they have altered mirrors, but one question remains; do they know they're ugly?

For one, why is it that every ugly girl has a friend who tells guys they should hook up with her? Then when the guy says no, it's like this big shock. "What?! Why not? She's such a nice girl," is the phrase that is usually uttered by the ugly girl's friend. Of course she's nice, she's ugly, she has no other choice but to be nice. Ugly nice people can have friends on the basis of their niceness. Ugly, bitchy and miserable people have no friends. They're ugly, and they're dickhead's, it's not a very good combination for a friendship of any kind. And girls, don't play dumb when you know your friend is ugly. Unless you're Helen Keller, we know that you can clearly see how ugly your friend is and if she doesn't know she's ugly then it's best you be a good friend and tell her that.

Before I get crucified I have to talk about ugly guys now. Fella's, spitting good game alone is not going to help you get laid. Plus only like ten percent of ugly men know how to actually speak to a woman, the other ninety percent don't have a clue. But guys, you have to know what league you're playing in. By the time you're like 16 you know whether you're good looking or not. If you're a 3, don't try for an 8 or a 9. It's not going to happen unless you have a wallet full of hundred's. If you don't know what league you're in then go home and look in the mirror. As you're looking in the mirror tell yourself what you see. Then think of how many women you have gotten with in the passed two months. That number will tell you a lot. I won't even tell you a number, but if it seems low, that should be a hint. You're not very good looking.

Long story short, both men and women need to figure out whether they are ugly or not. Some advice on this one, especially for the women, don't ask your friends. Your girlfriend's will never tell you the truth on this matter, they'll always tell you how pretty you are. Guys, ask your friends, they'll tell you exactly how it is. And don't get down on yourself. Being ugly is not a bad thing, you just need to stay within your league and you should be just fine. And as I have previously stated earlier in my blogging career, ugly people do make happier couples.

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