Monday, July 11, 2011

Asshole Of The Day Award (Video)

Probably one of the greatest video's ever...

Okay so this is the mayor of Marinette, Wisconsin getting arrested for an OWI, or what we in he northeast would call a DWI. This is actually hilarious, I know it's 8 minutes long but you won't be disappointed while watching it. If you're going to watch any part of this video, fast forward to the end when he asks the cop who's driving, that was hysterical. However, you are the mayor of a town, you shouldn't be asking for blowies while the cops are arresting you. Not to mention that this whole thing bit you in the ass when you told them to just keep it out of the papers. Instead you got it all over TV and now all over the internet. At least we can say that he's a happy drunk. Here is your t-shirt sir, have a great day. 

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