Friday, March 15, 2013

A Different Breed of Bitch

Every woman has some bitch in her, there's no debating it. No matter what woman you date, what woman you talk to or what woman you see on the street they all have a different level of bitchiness to them. But sometimes there are those women who just happen to be a different breed of bitch. 

These aren't your normal bitches. Not only are they stuck up but they let you know how stuck up they are. How do they let you know how stuck up they are? They let you know by telling you how awesome they are and how much better they are than everyone else. They also complain until they get what they want, and then when they get it they complain some more. 

Number two is they do slutty things for attention while preserving their bitchy, cunt attitude. Let's just say they have a boyfriend. They'll talk to, take pictures with and do things with other guys and then tell their boyfriend that it's not an issue. Meanwhile she's probably getting bukkaked in the bathroom while her boyfriend is buying her another round of drinks. 

There's nothing like a broad who's a different breed of bitch. And what also differentiates this different breed of bitch is that nobody actually likes her. They know she's fake, and they've killed her in her head about twenty times before the conversation actually ends. If everyone is in agreement on how big of a bitch a girl is, she is a different breed of bitch. Keep your eyes peeled, you'll know what I'm talking about when you see it. 

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