Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The Origin of Why Women Hate the C Word

WARNING: The following post will contain extensive use of the C word. And by C word I mean Cunt. There, I said it; Cunt. 

The word cunt is a word that is hated by every woman who you will ever speak to. Whenever that word is said around them you always hear one or multiple women say, "Ew, I hate that word." Okay fine, so you hate that word. But why do they hate it? And when did they begin to hate it? About the same time they started drinking Cosmos, about the time of Sex and the City. 

Sex and the City is the explanation for why women have actually become cunts. No one knew what a Cosmo was prior to that show and you never heard a woman say she hated the word cunt. However, once women started thinking they were hot shit drinking the "Sex and the City" drink, they thought that it made them extra classy. They thought they were above the word cunt. 

Why did they think they were above the word cunt? Because one of the fucking broads from the show said that she hated hearing the word and then suddenly every woman watching automatically made it a disgusting word. Because if Sex and the City didn't like the word, they couldn't like the word. It's very simple. 

I guess you can say that the origin of the word cunt, and the origin of modern day cunts in general came from Sex and the City. Women have progressively become worse and worse since that show was on the air and it has now spiraled out of control. When you're wondering where a chick's cuntiness came from, all you have to do is look back at the HBO series that started it all. Sex and the City was the beginning of cunts as we know them. 


1 comment:

  1. too true too true, was with a girl a few years ago who SWORE by the show and she made a point of cringing and publicly noting how she "hates that word" every time cunt was said, even when not directed at her. Now we know why
