Wednesday, November 14, 2012

"Sarah Says" Dating Hipsters vs Dating Bros

My dating life has been pretty regular. Three engineers in a row, two of which were serious relationships. When I got my ass dumped over the summer, I was encouraged to branch out of my dating comfort zone. But you guys, it’s really hard. I’ve gone on a few dates with a guy who has quickly proven to be a total bro. I’ve been told that dating bros, at least for me, is a terrible idea. So next week I’m being shuttled to Brooklyn to, and I quote, “find my people.”

What did engineers have to offer me? Well, for one, they’re brilliant. Also, they can fix and build shit without directions. Being an opposite intelligence from mine, I’ve always meshed well with them. But this bro, it’s an entirely different ball game. He’s really just the sweetest, but he didn’t like The Kills’ “Blood Pressures,” which, honestly, is a borderline deal breaker. Don’t believe me? Listen to “Future Starts Slow” with good headphones on. It’ll change your life. Also, he’s super into baseball, which I find duller than freshman English courses. (No offense, Talk of the Town Readers. Please continue to love me. I like watching hockey!) But, like I said, he’s nice and makes me laugh, so that wins him major points.

So what happens when I find myself in Brooklyn next weekend? My passionate, secret love for skinny bearded boys in flannel will finally reveal itself. But aren’t guys like that considered hipsters? I kind of think they might be. I’ve on many occasions been accused of being a hipster, but I own two pairs of Sperry’s and a prep school style Ralph Lauren cardigan, so I think I’m safe. But hipster boys like vinyl records, right? I do, too! But won’t all the Polo in my closet repel me from hipsters? Probably.

Really, I can’t win. I’m too edgy for the bros and too preppy for the hipsters. You guys, dating is really hard. Where’s the middle ground? (And if you say hippies, I’ll smack you.)

Sarah is the founder of Not the It Girls. You can contact her at

1 comment:

  1. For the love of god please stop posting

