Monday, April 2, 2012

It's That Acquaintance You Haven't Seen In Awhile...

Everyone knows the feeling. You're in a public place and you're either on a mission to get home or you're on a mission to get something done. You are not on a mission to see someone that you haven't seen in awhile and have a conversation with them. Especially when it's just an old acquaintance who you used to kinda have conversations with but not really. 

As soon as you see this person you try and make sure that you put yourself out of site and/or do not look their way. Why would you wanna look their way and make that awkward eye contact? You don't, because then what happens? You have to actually have a fucking conversation with this person that you want no part of talking to. 

It's not like when you go over and say what's up to someone you haven't seen in awhile and you actually wanna know how they're doing. The acquaintance who you just want no part of is that person who you actually duck and try to avoid as you maneuver your way through this public area. You're on a stealth mission and you don't want to be seen. You don't care what they're doing with their life, you haven't thought about this person once since the last time you saw them. 

But then what always happens? They find you and you're fucked. For some reason this person liked you way more than you liked them and they wanna know everything that's going on in your life. All you have to do is plea insanity. Make up a crazy story how you got away with killing your family because you were deemed insane and this person will never want to speak to you again. Drastic times call for drastic measures, and if you're in a hurry this is the best way to do things. You'll get the, "Um, so I hate to cut you short, but I need to go," in no time. Trust me, I'm a pro at this. Don't get caught up with that old acquaintance you haven't seen in years. 

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