Monday, April 2, 2012

It's Not Always About You Hun...

These types of girls are the one's who just absolutely crack me up. The girls I'm talking about are those girls who somehow make every and any situation all about them. It doesn't matter what the situation is, they will somehow, someway find a way to make it about them. Especially when the situation has absolutely nothing to do with them. 

Let's take example number one, when one of their guy friends gets into a fight. Girls like this normally have asshole guy friends. So one of their asshole guy friends fucks with the wrong dude and gets his ass absolutely fucked up. This girl then acts like she's the one who got beat up. She starts crying and sitting in the corner because this was such a traumatizing event in her life. While she's sitting in the corner and sulking, the rest of her friends tend to the real problem, the guy who got his ass beat. They're being good friends and make sure he's alive and doesn't need to go to the hospital while this selfish bitch sits in the corner and makes it about her. Hun, you didn't get beat up, therefore no one gives a fuck about you while you're "traumatized". You're not traumatized, you're just looking for attention. 

Example number two, when she pisses off her boyfriend. Let's recap what I just said, SHE is the one who pissed off her boyfriend. She follows that up by being a complete bitch and losing her shit on her friends. When her boyfriend tells her something along the lines that he's leaving because he's pissed at her, she turns it around on him telling him that she can't believe how he's not there for her right now in her time of need while she's fighting with her friends. Once again bitch, you are the reason for the problem with your boyfriend right now. It's not his fault that you're being a bitch to your friends. Once again, it's not always about you. You're not perfect, you fuck up more than anyone. 

I could probably go on all day long about these types of girls but I'm gonna stop at this point right here. I'm sure everyone knows tons and tons of girls like this and you would love nothing more than to punch them square in the face. But you obviously can't if you're a guy. Once the attention strays away from her, she loses her mind. I think it's a complex. But one thing is certain, if this is your girl, RUN AWAY ASAP. You'll save yourself the unwanted headache. 

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