Tuesday, March 6, 2012

What Everybody's Talking About: Who Would Make A Better Mother Deena Or Snooki?

Myself and B Slata got into this discussion the other night so now we're gonna have to talk about it. Who would make the better mother, Deena or Snooki? For the sake of this argument I'm going to go with Deena. I'm really going with Deena because I am extremely biased against anyone who calls themselves a Snooki. But anyway, let me carry on and explain. 

Deena would make a better mother for a couple of different reasons. For one, Snooki is what we would call a complete whore where as Deena is what we would call a wanna be whore. There's a very big difference between being a whore and wanting to be a whore. When you're an actual whore, you're gonna go out with your kids and be the woman who lets her kids throw parties at the house while you try and seduce their male friends. A wanna be whore will just be too scared to let their kids throw the party. 

Next, Deena looks like she's been filled up with hot air. It's perfect to keep her baby warm in the winter time. Snooki lost all her weight and is now just straight up going out and getting UTI's on the reg. In this case I think that Deena's breast milk will just be way healthier and that Snooki will probably find a way to poison her kid in one way or another. 

Finally, Deena has the potential to have some type of motherly qualities because she can put the Jersey Shore party scene behind her if need be. Snooki will probably never be able to put the Jersey Shore behind her. She'll be that woman at like 45 years old who's out at Karma trying to get slammed by the guy wearing the pinky ring who can grease a pan with his hair. Not that either one would really make a great mother, but if you put a gun to my head I have to choose Deena. B Slata, what do you got? 

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