Thursday, March 1, 2012

@jimboslicee's #TweetoftheDay ... This Guy Almost Died On Monday and He's Doing What?

The Person... - Juan Pablo Montoya (@jpmontoya) NASCAR Driver

The Tweet... - "After the doc gonna go and buy some dr seuss custome for the kids for school"

The Reaction... - Clue you in real quick... This guy crashed into a military jet engine dryer igniting one of the most amazing explosions in the history of NASCAR on Monday. I'm not even going to get into what the hell he was doing to warrant that crash in the first place. But anyway, dude you should've fucking died on Monday night for that ridiculous move and what are you doing instead? You're buying Dr. Suess costumes for your kids? Dude you SHOULDVE died. Don't give me this 'oh he's spending time with his children' bullshit... YOU ALMOST DIED Dump the kids, dump the wife and judging by your awful driving... Taking your millions and find a new job

1 comment:

  1. Better yet where is Slothy? I though he said he came back...
