Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Guys, Before You Lie Just Know That There's Facebook...

Man is it tough to lie these days or what? The answer definitely isn't or what. Guys, you have to be smarter than the system. Why do you have to be smarter than the system? Because if you're not smarter than the system, the system is going to take a gigantic dump on your chest. 

What am I talking about? Well, I have a friend who was talking to this guy. This guy didn't ever think about the system of facebook. He also didn't ever actually tell anyone that he hung out with that he told this girl that he was going to California. I guess if you're attempting to never talk to a girl again, the best thing to do is say that you're going to California. Maybe. 

Well what happened to this giant jackass is not the least bit surprising. He went out with his cousin one night in the good old state of New Jersey, and his really smart cousin checked him in on facebook. BOOM! Roasted. If you're gonna lie, you gotta lie all the way, you can't half ass it. You tell your friends, you tell your family and you make sure that you are never checked in on facebook. 

But most guys don't think like this. Guys forget about things like facebook and twitter. Technology is a real pain in the ass isn't it? Here's a simple solution, if you're gonna lie, at least make up a believable lie. There's no need to reinvent the wheel. If you wanna lie, go all the way with it, own that lie. When you try and take a short cut, that's how you get caught. It's a very simple concept. 

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