Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Fishbowl...

I have a serious question. Is there anything that screams out the word obnoxious and I can't hold my liquor like a group of girls drinking out of a giant fucking fishbowl? It is one hundred and fifty percent the most obnoxious fucking thing on the face of the earth and I just wanna hit every girl who drinks out of those giant straws with a fucking tennis racket. 

First of all, every bitch who claims she's a huge party animal ends up drinking out of one of these obnoxious bowls. There is no better predictor of a girl throwing up that night than a bitch who is carrying a fishbowl with a gigantic straw yelling about how it's "party time". Listen broad, you and your little friends drinking out of that thing will all be hammered within the next ten minutes and party time is gonna turn into hugging the toilet time. 

This is also the most obnoxious fucking thing anyone has ever seen. Like it doesn't make you cool because you're drinking out of a gigantic bowl. We all know that you're not finishing it and we all know that the drink isn't even that strong. You are just announcing to the entire place that you're about to be a sloppy drunk who goes home and gets taken advantage of by some sleezy guy. You follow this up by taking pictures with you and your girls drinking out of colorful straws with stupid smiles on your faces and pretending that you're drunk. You then proceed to make the fishbowl pic your profile pic, which happens to be extremely obnoxious. 

"Oh shut up, who are you to judge what I do." Well, I'm the guy with the blog, and I also happen to have a brain in my head. It's not me judging you, it's actually just me telling you that you're obnoxious and you can't hold your liquor. I know, the truth hurts, but it's just something you're gonna have to deal with. Take a look in the mirror and if you don't like it, no one's forcing you to read. Later broads. 

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