Monday, July 11, 2011

Wow, A Specialty Asshole Of The Day Award With Another Video

This guy is that much of an asshole that I had to give him the specialty Asshole Of The Day Award because he shot himself in the leg at the shooting range. I already picked my Asshole Of The Day, now you go and do this? You're killing me smalls. Or almost killing yourself for that matter since you clearly shot yourself and said the words,"I just fucking shot myself." How do you manage to shoot yourself? You're in a cowboy hat at a shooting range. If you're wearing a cowboy hat to a shooting range, you better know what you're doing bro. If you don't know what you're doing, you shouldn't have a gun, or a cowboy hat. Those are the rules, you should abide by them. However, here is your t-shirt, genius. It'll go perfect with that awful hat and wheel chair you're about to be sitting in. Have a wonderful day. 

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