Friday, July 8, 2011

Sign Of The Apocalypse Taking You Into The Weekend...

Reader Email: Mike

Can you please talk about how stupid a dog food truck is in your blog?

Sure Mike, I would love to. Are they serious with this shit? Apparently, dogs now have a food truck. You know how like human beings have hot dog trucks and stuff like that? Now dogs have them too. What the fuck is this world coming to? They're dogs, they're not people, do they really need food at their disposal on the street? Is this supposed to be the replacement for something like I don't know, maybe a pet store? I'm still trying to figure this out. It's not like the dog can go up and tell you what it wants to eat, clearly, I mean it's a dog it can't fucking talk. Plus the truck is brutal to look at with all those fake dogs on top of it. What if they fall off the truck one day and into traffic? That'll probably be a site to see. But you know what makes this worse? People will actually buy this for their dogs. Morons keep people like this in business. This is clearly a sign of the apocalypse. I can barely make anything doing this, but selling dog food on the street is a lucrative business. Maybe I'm doing something wrong.

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