Friday, July 8, 2011

David Ortiz Charges The Mound

Listen, I know Big Papi is like the nicest guy in baseball and all; but he's still a fucking monster and as we can see here, he won't hesitate to go after a mother fucker for throwing at him. Like Kevin Gregg, what are you doing bro? You're a shitty reliever who wears the ugliest goggles I've ever seen on a mound, and you think you're going to throw at David Ortiz and get away with it? What are you some type of asshole? Obviously we know the answer to that question. Plus you were getting shellacked so there's no reason to be throwing at the fucking guy. I actually wish Ortiz would have connected with one of his punches and broke your face. But he didn't so you two looked like two 16 year old's who never got into a fight before. It's all good though Papi, next time bring the bat out with you. If Casey Anthony can get away with murder I'm sure you can get away with hitting a guy with a bat. 

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