Monday, July 18, 2011

Asshole Of The Day Award

Todays choice was anonymous...

This guy really needed his head examined. When your new neighbors move in next door, it's probably not a great idea to carry their wandering 4 year old back home and kiss him on the lips while handing him back to his parents. Then when they call the authorities on you, trying to get revenge by hacking into a lawyer's Wi-Fi is also probably not the best idea. This guy hacked into his neighbor's Wi-Fi and uploaded child porn, sent porn to co-workers and wrote threatening emails to politicians and even Joe Biden. Obviously a lawyer wouldn't be doing these things. Obviously the lawyer is going to hire someone to figure out what's going on; and obviously a Joe Schmo like you is going to get caught because you're a moron. This guy also wrote down his entire revenge plan and bought a shitload of computer hacking software. Talk about biting yourself in the ass? You are one of the biggest assholes in recent memory, sir. 18 years in prison is a long time, but by the time you get out maybe my t-shirt will be worth something. Enjoy jail time boy kisser, because you're going to be everybody else's little boy while you're in the big house.

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