Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Abuse of "I Love You"

The phrase "I Love You" is abused more then heroin. Forty-five minutes into a relationship, a couple is telling each other "I Love You". That's a crock of shit, nonsense, fucking malarkey if you ask me. That is not even possible. Corey and Topanga didn't even say "I Love You" to each other that quickly and that's the greatest relationship of all time. I know a girl, who has had more boyfriends in the time I've known her than I've had the common cold. Absolutely absurd amount. She has "loved" them all. I will not reveal any names, as usual, but if this is you OR you think it might be you, you should probably grow up.

Now into the nuisance of all nuisances. Writing "I Love You" on your significant others Facebook wall. Vomit! The ultimate, grow the fuck up. It was cute when you were like 15 and you would write, "So In LoVe WiTh YoU 143!!" on your AOL/AIM away message or profile. Now you are the same person and have the same mentality just like when you were 15 and writing it on Facebook. Love is something between two people, so is saying and expressing it. Congrats, you're in love. Yea, you're probably not. It's kind of sad when you think about it. Chances are you are not marrying this person, fuck your probably not going to be with this person by the end of the year and you're publicly announcing your "love". What a joke!

When the love is real how will you know. If I didn't like you and told you to go fuck yourself, the first time you would probably be a upset, the second time not so much until you just didn't care. Same goes for "I love You". If you say it from day one of your bullshit relationship it'll be sweet and possibly get you laid.  News flash to the girl who keeps getting back with her ex-boyfriend:  He is only and I mean ONLY saying "I Love You" because he is tired of jerking off and wants the real thing.  If you think any different, I really feel bad because people are just laughing at you.

As for the boyfriend of the girl in first paragraph; how does it feel to be the 98th person of no blood relation that your girlfriend has said "I Love You" to?  He is also a Grade A dweeb.

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