Thursday, May 2, 2013

Top 5 Female Photo Album Facebook Names


No matter what women tell you they all have the same facebook tendencies. Facebook tendencies are a whole different post for a whole other time but one of the tendencies are that they all usually have similar photo album names. Most of the time photo albums give you a summary of what the pictures will consists of. And then other times they make no sense. But one thing is certain, about 98% of the time, if it doesn't say Mobile Uploads, it's spelt wrong. 

1) The Seasons: The name of the actual photo album isn't actually, "The Seasons" it's whatever season this album happens to be from. A lot of the time it'll say "summer =)))))" or there will be a heart instead of an over exaggerated smiley face. Either way, this tells us a couple of different things, one being whether or not she had bikini pics posted. 

2) Ohhhhh, Sometimes I Get a Good Feeling: This one really came to light when Levels by Avicii came out. Mainly because women wanted you to start knowing that no matter how insecure they may be, they always have a good feeling. They also want you to expect at least one picture of her or one of her friends passed out around a toilet bowl because she "balls so hard". 

3) Reunited and It Feels So Good: Mostly typical of college friends who are getting back together for one long weekend of partying. They need you to know that because they're with their friends from college that it's okay to go out and get sloppy and do college-like things. Most of the time us men just wish we were there to capitalize on the opportunity to get laid that would've been like fishing with dynamite. 

4) The Good Life: Yes, pretty much every girl has a facebook photo album titled "The Good Life". Why? Because most women between the ages of 21 and 26 were shaking their ass on the dance floor to The Good Life by Kanye West at some point in the last five or six years and they thought this would be the most clever name ever to give a photo album. Most of these pictures consist of drunken partying that you can't piece together. 

5) Let the Good Times Roll: Here's another one that is pretty common in the female album naming world. They love this name for a photo album. It tells you just how good of a night they had even though they probably spent ninety percent of that night complaining to their friends about how they can't find a nice guy. That's why most of the pictures suck. 

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