Monday, June 4, 2012

Can You Really Trust Any Woman?

I had a friend shoot me a text message at around 11:30 last night about this girl. As the story goes he had been hooking up with this girl for about six months. Keep in mind that is half of a year. So, six months hooking up and fucking around. One week ago she stops talking to him. As of last night she is in a relationship with some other guy on facebook. In this case we would call this move extra cunty. 

Basically, what that says is that she had been fucking my friend AND this other guy at the same time. Six months is a long time, you don't just stop hooking up with someone you've been mouth banging for six months and get into a relationship with some guy you just met. Even serial daters don't do that. No, this chick was playing both of these mother fuckers for six months and didn't even give my boy a heads up on it. Just completely stops talking to him and then boom she has a boyfriend. Plus let's not get into the diseases she could have potentially been spreading around, this is a real bitch move right here. 

This brings up the question, can you really trust any woman? I have heard nothing but stories over and over again and seen things happen in front of my eyes where girls who are with someone are either fucking around behind their man's back, or are with a couple of different dudes at once. I think the Adam and Eve story went down all wrong, I think Eve was the snake in the tree. Why? Because women are all snakes. One night they're cuddled up sleeping next to you all nice and the next night they're sizing you up ready to bite your fucking head off and leave you for dead. 

Fella's can you really trust a woman or are they all the same? Well, I don't truthfully know what the answer to that question is, but I can tell you this much. Just remember, they're all cunts except for your mother, and even sometimes she can be a cunt. Oh, and if you can't fuck that bitch, fuck that bitch. Women want to complain that men are scumbags but they're worse than men. Just remember ladies, whenever you see an asshole, it's a bitch like you who made him that way. 

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