Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The Sex Is Always Fine

Whenever someone is talking about the end of their former relationship they always talk about where it all went wrong. They'll talk about the final days like he bible talks about that Jesus guy before he died. What was going on, what happened, how it happened, what the problem was, and how it all felt so different towards the end. 

But then there's always that guy (usually me) who asks, "How was the sex that night?" And they always say the same exact thing. "The sex was fine." If the sex was fine as you're on the verge of breaking up it can only tell you a couple of different things. The first thing it can tell you is that she's a complete whore. Why? Because if the sex is fine while your relationship's in the tank, she just wants to get fucked and she doesn't care about the relationship. 

The next thing it could tell you is that she might be cheating on you with someone else. Why is the sex still fine when everything is going wrong. Is she unusually freaky with you like she's never been before? If that's the case, she's probably been with other dudes releasing her inner freak. I mean sex is sex, but when it's perfectly okay during bad times, that's a definite red flag. 

Sex during rough times is a good predictor of where your relationship is headed. If it's make up sex that isn't awkward afterwards, than everything will not be okay and it's best you get out asap. If it's sex where it's not awkward at the end and you're all better now and all you needed was a little piping out to get through the situation, than everything will be fine. But the one thing that will fool you is the sex itself. Because the sex is always fine. 

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