Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Girls Talking About Their Drunk Eating Habits


How unattractive is a woman who sits there and talks about her drunk eating habits? Even better, how gross is it when a fat chick sits there and talks about her drunk eating habits? If you want to be considered a lady a horrible way to start would be by saying anything about what you eat when you get drunk.

"But everyone does it Steve, even guys." Yes, I know and how unattractive is it to you girls when a guy is sitting there talking about how he pounded three big macs and a thing of fries from McDonald's in a drunken haste last weekend? You don't wanna hear that shit, and we certainly don't wanna hear that shit. Especially when we're thinking about what your vagina probably smells like after a shitload of McDonald's at three in the morning.

What makes it worse is when they get real in detail about it. I overhead a chick the other day saying something like, "Like when I get drunk all I wanna do is eat beef jerky. I just sit there and just eat it all night long when I get home." Alright, relax hun you'll get your fix. When was the last time you got laid? I'm assuming not very long ago since you're talking about running train on beef jerky at the top of your lungs in the middle of a bar.

There is nothing wrong with a bad drunk eating habit ladies, everyone has one. However, you can't talk about it publicly or in front of guys. No one's gonna take home a chick who's gonna be blowing up his bathroom before 9am. It's just not a feasible thing and you need to know your surroundings before you speak about it.

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