Monday, April 2, 2012

Hot Girls Drive White Cars

Who is the owner of this beautiful mercedes convertible? There is a 99.9% chance that the owner of this automobile is a woman. Why? I have no idea why actually. It's like an unwritten rule everywhere you go that hot women have to be driving some type of white car. And for all you people who think you're such hilarious smart asses I am not counting the creepy guys driving the child molester vans and I'm not counting the mother's driving a white mini van. 

Moving on, why is this observation as consistent as gravity? Next time you're driving around just take notice to the white cars that you pass. If you peek in that window just for a moment you will see a hot girl in basically every single white car. Especially with this time of year coming around. The weather's getting warm, the windows are rolling down on the cars and the hot bitches are popping up out of the wood work because she sun's out. 

It's almost the equivalent of going to an all you can eat buffet and seeing all fat people. It's not a surprise why they're fat, they regularly attend all you can eat buffets. Just like for women it's no surprise that they're hot if they're driving a white car. I know the thought of a woman being behind the wheel of a car is kind of scary since no matter how hot they are they still can't drive. But knowing that some sweet eye candy is gonna be pulling up in the white benz on the right hand side should make you rest a little easier. Just make sure you don't let her get in front of you. 

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