Friday, July 8, 2011

Why You Might Not Want To Talk To That Girl...

I'm sure every guy has had this situation happen to them. You see a girl, she looks good, and you want to go talk to her. She looks like the perfect girl in your eyes, but you don't actually know anything about her yet. Yes, she has the looks, but maybe that's all she has. You might think that this girl is so good, that you might not actually want to go talk to her. Here's why.

It's not being a little bitch because you didn't go talk to that girl you've been staring at for the passed three weeks, there are reasons you may not want to speak to her. For one, what if she's a bitch? She's really hot, you think she's probably such an awesome girl, then you go talk to her and she's a complete bitch. Now it's ruined, you look at her in a totally different way and you would just rather see her get punched in the face by someone.

Then there's the other end of the spectrum, which is her having a weird personality. Maybe she's a weird girl, maybe she doesn't have a good personality. Right there, you're turned off, you don't even want to speak to the girl ever again because you think she's duller than a piece of cardboard.

Then finally, what if she has a boyfriend? Chances are that she won't tell you this right away. She'll be completely ignorant to the fact that you're trying to get her number or something along those lines, and when you ask for the number, she will tell you, "Oh, I have a boyfriend." Then you are turned off by her stupidity. You obviously aren't talking to her because you want another friend, if she wants a friend, tell her to get a dog. Women still think men are just trying to be nice guys when we're really just trying to get it in. Sorry ladies, you're wrong.

Now obviously you don't know any of these things unless you muster up the balls to actually go over and speak to the girl. But I'm just warning you to go into the conversation with zero expectations, because if you come back disappointed, you'll remember I told you so.

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