Friday, July 8, 2011

What the hell is A-Rod Doing?!

Alex Rodriguez, what the hell is going on in that blonde streaked head of yours? You are a 3x MVP, have over 600 career homeruns, 14 seasons with 100+ RBI, and you're going after 57 year old women. I am ashamed, appalled, and mortified. You're 36 years old, that makes a 21 year age difference. She is old enough to be your mother!!! For those of you who don't know who I am talking about, A-Rod is hitting Christie Brinkley, pun intended. Don't get me wrong, she looks great, but do you really want to deal with a 57 year old woman?

You're still the third basemen for the Yankees. The dude playing a few feet to your left, Derek Jeter, is about to get his 3000th hit and is married to my beloved goddess, Minka Kelly and you're banging a chick that's done with menopause. Talk about grabbing the spotlight from you.

A-Rod you're still a young, good looking man. You're telling me that you couldn't get some hot 25-30 year old piece? You have to go panther hunting (a panther is what you are after a cougar, cougars are 35 to 49, panthers 50+)? All well and good, your ex-wife is pretty hot and you have had your rendezvous with Cameron Diaz and Kate Hudson but you have also had a few head scratchers. Those are mainly Madonna and this nonsense you are going through now.

Alex we all love you, do the right thing. Let Christie collect her AARP benefits and eventually Social Security and you hit some homeruns and get yourself a nice young fox to toy around with.

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