Tuesday, July 5, 2011

How Much Alcohol Would It Take Tuesday's

I'm really starting to run out of fat chicks so today I just have a woman who pretty much looks like a guy...

Yeah, believe it or not that thing you are looking at actually has a vagina. Go ahead, let that sink of for a second. Perfect. This is what people apparently call a Yoko Ono, I think she's some sort of artist and she used to bang John Lennon back in her hey day. Regardless of who she used to bang, she is quite disgusting. How much alcohol would it take for me to bang Legolas from Lord of the Rings? Probably a pretty solid amount consisting of 12 bottles of Ketel One, one gallon of jungle juice made exclusively with grain alcohol and everclear, and of course some type of compensation for the liver and psychological damage that would come along with it.

Watch the whole video, but the Yoko Ono reference comes at the 2:24 mark. 

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