Friday, July 15, 2011

Defriendment Friday's

We are back and this week was a tough choice for me (Steve) personally, because I thought I had my choice on Tuesday night. But of course, by Thursday night the tides had turned and someone else jumped off the facebook page at me. This girl came close to being taken off the board last week, but this week she went one dumb status too far.

Steve the Hammer:

The Culprit: Danielle (last name removed)

Status That Broke The Camel's Back: "cause of death- pier 76 and (friends name removed)'s birthday"

Cause of Defriendment- Obnoxious statuses and more mobile uploads that any person should ever admit to. Kick rocks, you made this one way too easy.

Quite Frank-ly:

The Culprit: Nicole (last name removed)

Reason For Defriendment: First off, she is related to two previous defriendees, so this basically completes the trifecta. Started off by posting the corniest and gayest song ever, "Can't We Try" by Collage and Rockell. If you listen to KTU it's one of those weird songs they play that just throws you off. If you haven't heard it, youtube it. Remained pretty quiet for the rest of the week, but a last minute check in Thursday night solidified defriendment. Peace out cub scout.

Johnny Baseball: Always a fan of the multiple defriend. Johnny Baseball back here for Defriendment Friday's and it is now no suprise that more than one person is getting defriended again this week. This week it is two people. Friends are dropping like flies.

The Culprit(s): Tony (last name removed) & Mishelle (last name removed)

Reason For Defriendment: We'll start with Tony, AKA DJ Frio. First off pal, you're not a DJ. You're a shumck who makes sounds with a fake record spinner, or what ever the hell you call that piece of shit. You're not even 18 bro, get a real job, and then pursue your fake music career. How about this loser, pick up a real instrument and learn how to play it. Like a guitar, or bass, or drums. Also, with the retarted statuses about how girls are scumbags and all this. Pal, you're not in love and you never have been because you're like 16. Grow up you guido. Also, this kid posts photos, and statuses, and asks for likes on them. How in your sane mind, you can ask someone to like something publicly, beats me. The status that really broke the camels back for Ol' Johnny Baseball is this one "lmfaooooo mets are cleaning house, krod is gone so i guess reyes is i always said, there is one new york baseball team and thats the fukin new york yankees <33" So I guess trading one player is cleaning house? What are you talking about jerkoff? Learn something about baseball and then post a status.

Number 2 - Mishelle. Okay so your real name is Michelle and you spell it...Mishelle...what is wrong with you? A few statuses that really ruined my day were "puffin on the referr casue i feel mad stresssedd .." and "i dont wannna go to sleep someone chyll with me !!!!!!!" Stop talking about weed for all of our sakes via facebook and also, don't ask people to hangout via facebook.

Thanks for your stints as my facebook friends for about..2 weeks...I couldn't take it any longer

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